Kenmore or Less


Kenmore or Less is a podcast covering a variety of topics and formats, largely through interviews and round table discussions, hosted by Kenmore Thompson.

Who is Kenmore

Kenmore is an anthropologist who is skilled and passionate about ethnographic methods. Through the podcast, Kenmore aims to both entertain and satisfy his and his audience’s curiosity in a way that expands everyone’s understanding of the social world that we share.


In early 2020, Kenmore launched Salt Water Thesis, a podcast focusing on Newfoundland and Labrador cultural identity by interviewing Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who were living away from the province. The Covid-19 pandemic put the project on hold after only three months, and Kenmore or Less is a spiritual successor to that project, with a wider scope.


Both Kenmore or Less and Praxic Tide Media are currently 100% un-funded, being paid for out-of-pocket by Kenmore Thompson. For a breakdown of past, ongoing, and future costs, please see this post. To support the project, please consider subscribing through Patroen. (coming soon)


If you would like to provide feedback or contact Kenmore for any reason, please use this contact form. You can also join the Praxic Tide Media discord server for more discussion and feedback.